For corporate clients our attorneys’ charge is from 200 €/h + VAT 24 % and our associate lawyers’ charge is from 180 €/h + VAT 24 %.
For private clients our attorneys’ charge is from 200 €/h (incl. VAT 24 %) and our associate lawyers’ charge is from 180 €/h (incl. VAT 24 %).
Mainly, we handle the framing of different agreements and other documents with fixed and beforehand negotiated prices. For example, the price-scale for the estate inventory is up from 800 € (incl. VAT 24 %).
For the work of our law students we charge 80 €/h including VAT 24 %.
We charge for every beginning 15 minutes.
If the assignment is more demanding than normal and it requires special knowledge in specific field of law, the charge for the assignment is higher. The higher charge is also used when the assignment is handled outside the regular office hours, extremely urgently or in a foreign language.
For specific cases the charge for the assignment can also be reduced. When necessary, the charge agreed can be required partly or wholly in advance.
Besides the actual charge agreed, we charge expenses such as government and court payments or translation expenses that are caused by the assignment in question. We also charge the loss of time that pleading journey takes.
The preparatory negotiations or the general evaluation of the situation is free of charge.
When the amount of work in specific assignments can be evaluated with sufficient exactness in advance, it is possible to make an agreement of a maximum or fixed price.
When needed, the charge can be agreed to be the specific share of the sum which is gained with the operation or specific compensation if the intended result is gained.
Ordinary office expenses such as phone expenses, postage and copying expenses are included in the actual charges. In case _ the amount of copies, the general office expenses or the postage caused by the assignment are higher than normal, the expenses can be charged separately (e.g. when the assignment requires shipments abroad).
Most of the home insurances and corporate insurances include legal expenses insurance that can be used in many cases to cover at least part of the legal expenses. In the beginning of the assignment we sort out the client’s possibilities to get the legal expenses covered through the insurance and also the possibilities for the cost-free legal proceedings.